
An Extra V Update and an Early W

V is for very very very excited because...

W is for winning a super cool contest from my super cool most favourite Winnepeger.

Leigh-Ann over at Freckled Nest was giving away a prize of one her fabulously inspired creations, and after months of loving her blog I get the added bonus of being the winner. How exciting is that? Well I'll tell ya...I'm so excited that I've been eeeeking all morning (which Matthew finds alternately amusing...and annoying...and then amusing again).

And now I am totally girl-crushing back on LA. Hee hee.

Thank you thank you thank you again Leigh-Ann. I can't wait to see what you create! (ok ok...just one more...eeeeeek)

Oh, but I'm still coming back with another W for tomorrow because it's a big long and very pretty post already written and just waiting for a button click.

1 comment:

Leigh-Ann said...

Glad to make you eeeek so much!! I love that feeling :)
do you want me to design your tote or would you like to be part of the process? It'd be kinda fun to surprise you...

*remember though, I'm not making it till summer.

we both live in canada. cool. eh?

ya. had to.

eeeeeek right back!!

ps. did you see the white text on the winner post? lol... that's what keith was saying. HAHA.