
Do Not Disturb

We had a special house-guest over the weekend. Lots of shopping, noshing and movie watching (and movie snoozing) followed. And of course there was knitting (and gnashing of teeth and pulling of hair, but I'll save that for another day).

And oh, the wonderful things that were left behind for me to enjoy.

Click here for the details.

This is already shaping up to be one very quick and enjoyable read. And it's oh, so satisfying to finally be onto a new book after spending far far too long reading my last selection.

Click here and get your own. This piece is mine!

Two words - Mint Smoothie. A rich, delectable square of pure chocolate delight. And sadly...it's history. Sigh.

And now I have a coffee to savour, a couch to curl up on and a book to keep reading.

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